Additional Pests in Boise, ID

Red and Black Boxelder bugs

At EcoSense Pest Control we offer treatments for a variety of pests. No job is too big, or too small. Over the years we have delt with many different types of pests and have learned from each of those situations. Our knowledge gives us the know how to treat any issue you may be dealing with.

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Flies are insects that are commonly found in many parts of the United States, including Idaho. The cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton are all located in Idaho and are known to have fly infestations. Here is everything you need to know about flies, including where they can be found, why they are a problem, and what you can do to get rid of them.

What are Flies?

Flies are insects that belong to the order Diptera. They are characterized by their two wings and are known for their ability to fly. Flies are found in a variety of habitats and feed on a wide range of materials, including food, feces, and garbage.

Where are Flies Found?

Flies can be found in a variety of habitats, including homes, businesses, and outdoor areas. They are particularly common in areas where food and garbage are present, such as kitchens, dining rooms, and outdoor garbage cans. In Idaho, flies are most commonly found in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton.

Why are Flies a Problem?

Flies can be a problem because they carry a number of pathogens and disease-causing bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli. They can contaminate food and surfaces, and their presence can be a nuisance. Additionally, flies can reproduce quickly, and their populations can grow out of control if not properly controlled.

How Can EcoSense Pest Control Help with Fly Infestation?

EcoSense Pest Control is a professional pest control company that specializes in eliminating fly infestations. Their trained technicians use safe and effective methods to eliminate flies, including baiting, trapping, and exclusion techniques.

What are Commonly Asked Questions about Flies?

Do Flies Bite?

Flies do not typically bite humans, but they can land on skin and feed on bodily fluids, such as sweat. Flies can also bite animals, including pets and livestock, and their bites can cause discomfort and irritation.

Are Flies Dangerous?

Flies can be dangerous because they carry a number of pathogens and disease-causing bacteria. They can contaminate food and surfaces, and their presence can pose a threat to human health. Additionally, flies can be a nuisance in homes and businesses, where they can cause discomfort and irritation.

How Can I Prevent Fly Infestations?

There are several steps you can take to prevent fly infestations, including:

-Sealing cracks and crevices in buildings
-Keeping food and garbage stored properly
-Keeping outdoor areas clean and free of clutter
-Using insecticides and baits to control flies

In conclusion, flies are insects that are commonly found in Idaho and can cause problems in homes and businesses. If you are dealing with a fly infestation, contact EcoSense Pest Control to eliminate the problem. With the right methods and techniques, you can get rid of flies and keep your environment safe and healthy.

Pill Bugs

Pill bugs, also known as rollie-pollies or armadillo bugs, are small, wood-loving crustaceans that belong to the order Isopoda. They are commonly found in moist environments, such as gardens, compost piles, and near the foundation of homes.

What are the ideal conditions for pill bugs to thrive?

Pill bugs thrive in moist, cool environments where they have access to decaying organic matter. They are attracted to dark, damp areas that provide protection from extreme temperatures and predators. In addition to moisture, pill bugs also require a source of food, such as decaying leaves, compost, or decaying wood.

Why are pill bugs a problem in and around homes?

While pill bugs do not pose a direct threat to humans or their homes, they can become a nuisance when they invade gardens and landscapes in large numbers. They feed on a variety of plants, including vegetables, flowers, and fruits, causing significant damage to crops and ornamental plants. Additionally, pill bugs can also attract other pests, such as ants, to the area.

How can EcoSense Pest Control help reduce pill bug activity around your home?

EcoSense Pest Control offers a variety of services that can help reduce the activity of pill bugs around your home. Our professional technicians will inspect your property to identify the source of the infestation and develop a customized plan to eliminate the problem. Some of the strategies we use to control pill bugs include:
* Modifying the environment to make it less attractive to pill bugs. This includes reducing moisture levels and eliminating sources of food.
* Using eco-friendly products and methods to control pill bugs. Our technicians use only the safest and most effective products, ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and the environment.
* Providing ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to prevent future infestations. Our technicians will continue to monitor your property to ensure that pill bugs do not return.

FAQ's About Pill Bugs

Are pill bugs harmful to humans or pets?

No, pill bugs are not harmful to humans or pets. They do not bite or sting, and they do not transmit any diseases. However, they can become a nuisance when they invade gardens and landscapes in large numbers.

Can I control pill bugs with household products?

Yes, there are a variety of household products that can be used to control pill bugs. However, it is important to use these products safely and follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid causing harm to yourself, your family, or the environment.

Do pill bugs damage buildings or structures?

No, pill bugs do not damage buildings or structures. However, they can become a nuisance when they invade homes and other structures in large numbers.

In conclusion, pill bugs are a common pest in moist environments, such as gardens and near the foundation of homes. While they do not pose a direct threat to humans or their homes, they can become a nuisance when they invade gardens and landscapes in large numbers. EcoSense Pest Control can help reduce their activity around your home by modifying the environment, using eco-friendly products, and providing ongoing monitoring and maintenance services. Contact us today to schedule an inspection and find out how we can help control pill bugs in and around your home.


Silverfish are small, silver-colored insects that are commonly found in households. They can be a nuisance and cause damage to books, clothing, and other household items. Here's what you need to know about silverfish and how to control them in Boise, ID and its surrounding cities including Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton.

What are Silverfish?

Silverfish are insects that belong to the order Thysanura and are known for their silvery-grey color, flattened bodies, and three long, thin bristles at the end of their tails. They are often found in homes and feed on carbohydrates, proteins, and other organic materials.

Where are Silverfish Found?

Silverfish are commonly found in dark, damp areas such as basements, attics, and bathrooms. They are attracted to damp, humid environments and are often found near sources of water. They are also commonly found in paper products, such as books, photographs, and cardboard boxes.

How Can EcoSense Pest Control Help with a Silverfish Infestation?

EcoSense Pest Control is a professional pest control company that provides effective and safe solutions for silverfish infestations. They use eco-friendly methods to control silverfish and other pests, ensuring the safety of your family and the environment. Their team of certified technicians will assess your infestation and recommend the best course of action. They will also provide you with tips and advice on how to prevent future infestations.

What are the Signs of a Silverfish Infestation?

Silverfish are nocturnal insects and are often not seen during the day. However, there are several signs of a silverfish infestation, including:

Tiny holes in clothing, books, and other household items
Yellowish, stale-smelling excrement
Small, shiny, silver-colored scales
Chewed or damaged paper products

What Attracts Silverfish to Your Home?

Silverfish are attracted to environments that are moist and humid, so it is important to keep your home dry and well-ventilated. Other factors that can attract silverfish include:

Leaks or standing water
High humidity levels
Cluttered or cluttered storage spaces
Stacks of paper products or books

What are the Dangers of a Silverfish Infestation?

Silverfish are not known to spread diseases, but they can cause significant damage to household items. They can chew through paper products, clothing, and even wallpaper, causing significant damage over time. They can also trigger allergies and asthma in some individuals.

In conclusion, silverfish are a common household pest that can cause damage to household items and trigger allergies and asthma. If you have a silverfish infestation in Boise, ID or its surrounding cities including Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, or Middleton, EcoSense Pest Control can help. They offer eco-friendly solutions that are safe for your family and the environment. Contact them today for a free assessment and to learn more about their silverfish control services.


Mites are tiny arachnids that can cause big problems for homeowners, especially in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, Middleton, ID. They are known for infesting plants, stored products, and even homes. Mites feed on organic matter, including plants, and can quickly multiply, leading to a full-blown infestation. Mites can be difficult to control and eliminate, but EcoSense Pest Control can help.

What are mites?

Mites are tiny eight-legged creatures that belong to the arachnid family. They are closely related to spiders and ticks and can range in size from a few millimeters to a few millimeters. Mites have a diverse diet and can feed on organic matter, including plants, stored products, and even human skin.

What are common mite infestations?

Mite infestations can occur in many different areas of the home and yard. Plant-feeding mites can quickly destroy a garden, while stored product mites can infest food supplies. Some mites, such as the dust mite, can even infest bedding and upholstery, leading to allergies and skin irritation.

How can EcoSense Pest Control help with mite infestations?

EcoSense Pest Control has the experience and knowledge to effectively eliminate mite infestations. Our team uses safe and environmentally friendly methods to control and eliminate mites, so you can enjoy a mite-free home and yard. Our technicians can assess the extent of the infestation and develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate mites and prevent future infestations.

What are commonly asked questions about mites?

How do I know if I have a mite infestation?

A mite infestation can be difficult to detect, but there are several signs to look for. If you notice tiny webs or clusters of mites on plants, stored products, or even in your home, you may have a mite infestation. Mite bites can also cause skin irritation and itching, indicating an infestation.

Are mites harmful to humans?

Some mites can be harmful to humans, while others are harmless. Mites that feed on human skin, such as dust mites, can cause allergies and skin irritation. Plant-feeding mites can damage crops and gardens, reducing the quality and quantity of crops. Stored product mites can infest food supplies, making them unsafe for consumption.

How can I prevent mite infestations?

Preventing mite infestations starts with keeping your home and yard free of debris and clutter. Regular cleaning and vacuuming can also help to remove mites and their eggs. Store food products in airtight containers and dispose of any infested items. Maintaining healthy plants and crops can also reduce the risk of mite infestations.

In conclusion, mites can be a big problem for homeowners in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, Middleton, ID. EcoSense Pest Control can help control and eliminate mite infestations with safe and environmentally friendly methods. If you suspect a mite infestation, contact EcoSense Pest Control for a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan.


Millipedes are small arthropods that are often found in moist environments. They are common in Idaho, including cities such as Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton. While they may seem harmless, millipedes can quickly become a nuisance in households.

What are millipedes?

Millipedes are elongated, cylindrical insects that can grow up to 4 inches long. They have two pairs of legs per segment and can have anywhere from 30 to 400 legs depending on the species. They are usually brown or black in color and feed on decaying plant matter.

Why are millipedes a problem?

Millipedes can become a problem when they start to invade homes in search of moisture and food. They can damage plants and gardens and emit a foul-smelling liquid that can stain surfaces. In large numbers, millipedes can also become a health hazard as they can emit allergens that can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

How can EcoSense Pest Control help with millipede infestation?

EcoSense Pest Control is a professional pest control company that specializes in controlling millipede infestations. Their technicians are trained to identify the source of the infestation and implement effective treatment methods that are safe for both people and the environment. They use eco-friendly products and techniques to effectively eliminate millipedes from homes and gardens.

What are common treatments for millipede infestations?

The most common treatments for millipede infestations include the use of insecticides, baits, and exclusion methods. Insecticides can be applied directly to the insects to kill them, while baits can be used to attract them away from the home. Exclusion methods can include sealing cracks and gaps in the home to prevent millipedes from entering.

What are some tips for preventing millipede infestations?

There are several steps that homeowners can take to prevent millipede infestations in their homes. These include:
Removing piles of leaves, mulch, and other organic matter from around the home.
Fixing leaky pipes and faucets to reduce moisture levels in the home.
Sealing cracks and gaps in the foundation and walls of the home.
Installing door sweeps and weather stripping to prevent millipedes from entering the home.
Keeping the home and surrounding area clean and well-maintained.

In conclusion, millipedes are small but mighty pests that can quickly become a nuisance in homes. EcoSense Pest Control can help with their control, offering safe and effective treatment methods to eliminate millipedes. By following some simple prevention tips, homeowners can help keep their homes millipede-free.


Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that are commonly found on plants and crops throughout the world. They are known for their ability to reproduce rapidly, causing damage to plants and reducing crop yields. In the Boise Valley area of Idaho, including cities such as Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton, aphids can be a significant problem for gardeners and farmers alike. Fortunately, EcoSense Pest Control offers effective solutions to help control aphid infestations.

What are Aphids and What Do They Do?

Aphids feed on the sap of plants, leaving behind a sticky residue known as honeydew. This honeydew can attract other pests and promote the growth of sooty mold, which can further damage the plant. Aphids can also spread plant diseases, making them a major concern for growers of crops like vegetables and fruit trees.

What Species of Aphids are Found in the Boise Valley Area?

In the Boise Valley, there are several different species of aphids that can be found. These include the green peach aphid, the potato aphid, and the melon aphid. These insects can be difficult to control, as they reproduce quickly and can easily move from one plant to another.

How Does EcoSense Pest Control Control Aphid Infestations?

To help control aphid infestations, EcoSense Pest Control uses a combination of cultural and chemical control methods. Cultural control involves removing infected plants and improving overall plant health to make it more difficult for aphids to establish a presence. Chemical control involves using specially-formulated insecticides that are safe for both the plants and the environment.

What Makes EcoSense Pest Control Different from Other Pest Control Companies?

One of the key advantages of EcoSense Pest Control is their focus on using eco-friendly solutions. They use environmentally-safe products and minimize the use of chemicals whenever possible. This not only helps to protect the plants and the environment, but it also ensures that the area remains safe for people and pets.

What Kind of Monitoring and Maintenance Services Does EcoSense Pest Control Offer?

In addition to their focus on eco-friendliness, EcoSense Pest Control also offers quarterly monitoring and maintenance services to help keep aphid populations under control. Their experienced technicians will regularly inspect your plants for any signs of aphid activity. They will also treat any areas that are found to be infected to prevent the spread of aphids and to protect your plants.

Does EcoSense Pest Control Offer Customized Solutions?

EcoSense Pest Control also offers customized solutions to meet the unique needs of each individual customer. They understand that every property and every situation is different, and they work closely with each customer to develop a plan that is tailored to their specific needs. EcoSense Pest Control has the expertise and resources to help you effectively control aphids.

Overall, aphids can be a major problem for gardeners in the Boise Valley area of Idaho. However, with the help of EcoSense Pest Control, it is possible to control aphid infestations and protect your plants and crops. Their focus on eco-friendly solutions, regular monitoring, and customized solutions make them an excellent choice for anyone looking to control aphids and protect their plants.


Weevils are a type of beetle that are commonly found in the United States, including in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton, ID. They are known for their long snouts and for feeding on a variety of plants and stored grains. This can make them a serious pest problem for homeowners.

What are Weevils and What do they Look Like?

Weevils are small beetles that range in size from 1/16 to 1/4 inch long. They have a distinctive long, narrow snout that they use to feed on plants and grains. Some species of weevils are brown or black in color and have distinctive markings or patterns on their bodies.

Where are Weevils Found?

Weevils can be found throughout the United States, including in cities like Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton, ID. They are commonly found in agricultural fields, gardens, and pantries where they feed on stored grains and crops. They are also commonly found in wooded areas and forests.

How Can EcoSense Pest Control Help with Weevil Infestations?

If you are dealing with a weevil infestation in Boise, ID or the surrounding area, EcoSense Pest Control can help. Our team of experienced pest control specialists will identify the source of the problem and develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate the weevils and prevent future infestations. We use a combination of chemical treatments and preventive measures to ensure your property is protected from weevils and other pests.

What are the Signs of a Weevil Infestation?

Signs of a weevil infestation include the presence of the beetles themselves, damage to plants and stored grains, and holes in containers of stored grains. You may also notice small piles of frass (insect waste) near the infested area.

What are the Consequences of a Weevil Infestation?

A weevil infestation can result in damage to crops and stored grains, leading to economic losses for farmers and homeowners. Weevils can also contaminate food and other stored products, which can be harmful to your health.

What Steps Can I Take to Prevent Weevil Infestations?

To prevent weevil infestations, store grains and food products in airtight containers, regularly inspect stored food products for signs of infestation, keep storage areas clean and free of crumbs and debris.

In conclusion, weevils are a common pest problem in the United States, including in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton, ID. If you are dealing with a weevil infestation, EcoSense Pest Control can help eliminate the problem and prevent future infestations. Remember to take preventive measures, such as properly storing food, to reduce the risk of weevil infestations in your home or on your property.

Afflicted Dagger Moth

The Afflicted Dagger Moth is a species of moth that is known for its distinct appearance and its ability to cause significant damage to crops and plants. This moth is native to Europe but has spread to other parts of the world, including the United States, where it has become a major pest in several states. In Idaho, the Afflicted Dagger Moth can be found in cities such as Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton.

What is an Afflicted Dagger Moth?

The Afflicted Dagger Moth is a small, grayish-brown moth that is approximately 1-2 cm in length. It is named after the distinctive dark markings on its wings, which resemble the blade of a dagger. This moth is a major pest in several states, including Idaho, where it is known to cause significant damage to crops and plants.

What kind of damage can Afflicted Dagger Moths cause?

The Afflicted Dagger Moth is known to cause significant damage to crops and plants by laying its eggs on the leaves. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the leaves, which can lead to defoliation and can also cause damage to the stems and branches of the plant. This can result in reduced yields and can also weaken the plant, making it more susceptible to other pests and diseases.

How can EcoSense Pest Control help with an Afflicted Dagger Moth infestation?

EcoSense Pest Control is a professional pest control company that specializes in managing Afflicted Dagger Moth infestations. They use a combination of chemical and cultural methods to control the populations of this pest. This includes monitoring for signs of infestations, applying insecticides, and promoting healthy plant growth to reduce the risk of infestations. EcoSense Pest Control also provides education and training to farmers and gardeners on how to identify and manage Afflicted Dagger Moths and other pests.

What are some common questions about Afflicted Dagger Moths?

How can I tell if I have an Afflicted Dagger Moth infestation?

One of the most noticeable signs of an Afflicted Dagger Moth infestation is the presence of holes or missing leaves on the plants. You may also see the larvae, which are small, green caterpillars with distinctive dark markings, or the adult moths, which are grayish-brown and have distinctive dark markings on their wings.

What can I do to prevent an Afflicted Dagger Moth infestation?

There are several steps that you can take to prevent an Afflicted Dagger Moth infestation. This includes monitoring your plants for signs of infestations, removing any infected plants, and promoting healthy plant growth to reduce the risk of infestations. You can also use insecticides to control the populations of this pest, but it is important to use these products in a responsible and sustainable manner to minimize their impact on the environment.

In conclusion, the Afflicted Dagger Moth is a major pest in several states, including Idaho. This moth is known to cause significant damage to crops and plants, which can result in reduced yields and increased susceptibility to other pests and diseases. EcoSense Pest Control can help with an Afflicted Dagger Moth infestation by using a combination of chemical and cultural methods to control the populations of this pest. If you have any questions or concerns about Afflicted Dagger Moths, contact EcoSense Pest Control for more information.


Earwigs are insects that are commonly found in many parts of the United States, including Idaho. The cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton are all located in Idaho and are known to have earwig infestations. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about earwigs, including where they can be found, why they are a problem, and what you can do to get rid of them.

What are Earwigs?

Earwigs are insects that are characterized by their elongated, flattened bodies and pincer-like appendages on their hind end. They have six legs and two antennae and are typically brown or black in color. Earwigs are nocturnal insects and are most active at night. They are known to feed on a variety of plant and animal materials, including leaves, flowers, and small insects.

Where are Earwigs Found?

Earwigs can be found in a variety of habitats, including gardens, woodpiles, and cracks and crevices in buildings. They are particularly common in humid environments and are often found in basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms. In Idaho, earwigs are most commonly found in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home, Star, and Middleton.

Why are Earwigs a Problem?

Earwigs can be a problem because they can damage crops, plants, and other vegetation. They are known to feed on leaves, flowers, and stems, which can lead to significant damage to gardens, lawns, and other outdoor areas. Additionally, earwigs can be a nuisance in homes and buildings, where they can crawl into bathrooms, bedrooms, and other living spaces.

How Can EcoSense Pest Control Help with Earwig Infestation?

EcoSense Pest Control is a professional pest control company that specializes in eliminating earwig infestations. Their trained technicians use safe and effective methods to eliminate earwigs, including baiting, trapping, and exclusion techniques. EcoSense Pest Control also offers preventive measures, such as sealing cracks and crevices in buildings, to help prevent earwig infestations from recurring.

What are Commonly Asked Questions about Earwigs?

Do Earwigs Bite?

Earwigs do have pincers on their hind end, but they are not typically considered to be dangerous to humans. While earwigs can bite if they feel threatened, their bites are generally not harmful and do not cause any serious health problems.

Are Earwigs Dangerous?

Earwigs are not dangerous and do not pose a significant threat to human health. They are not known to spread diseases and are not poisonous. However, they can be a nuisance in homes and buildings, where they can crawl into living spaces and damage crops and other vegetation.

How Can I Prevent Earwig Infestations?

There are several steps you can take to prevent earwig infestations, including:

Sealing cracks and crevices in buildings
Removing piles of leaves, mulch, and other organic materials
Keeping outdoor areas well-lit
Using insecticides and baits to control earwigs

In conclusion, earwigs are insects that are commonly found in Idaho and can cause problems in homes and buildings. If you are dealing with an earwig infestation, contact EcoSense Pest Control to eliminate the problem. With the right methods and techniques, you can get rid of earwigs.